The following are a sampling of past Events with AOS&FC participation.

Information about AOS&FC services and programs presented at Moore County NAMI monthly meeting

Amy Natt

AOS & Friends Care co-founder and Board President Amy Natt (right), pictured with Brenda Pistani Moore County NAMI President, spoke about the many services and programs AOS & Friends Care has to offer. She shared stories about the recipients to date and provided examples of how they have benefited and lives have been truly enriched. Live demonstrations of our robo companion pets showed the audience exactly how much a tail wag can brighten your day.

“The Journey of a Dementia Caregiver and Advocate” Free Seminar
Moore County Senior Enrichment Center

John Barrett

AOS & Friends Care co-founder and Board Member John Barrett presented a program “The Journey of a Dementia Caregiver and Advocate” at the Moore County Senior Enrichment Center, hosted by the Moore County Nursing & Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee.

Support Group Presentations

John Barrrett

John Barrett, co-founder of AOS & Friends Care, was the speaker at three Support Group meetings. He talked about his journey from spouse to caregiver spouse to widower advocate, answered questions about his caregiving experience, and offered tips and resources. Barrett also mentioned that he is glad to take calls or meet with caregivers who have questions. Information about AOS&FC supported SGs can be found here.

Dementia Resources Information Session
First Health

AOS&FC Co-founders and Board members, Amy Natt and John Barrett, presented an information session on Dementia Resources at FirstHealth Hospice and Palliative Care in Pinehurst.

“How To be a Friend: Thoughts on Dementia & Community Free Seminar SEVEN LAKES | OCT. 13, 2016
Amy Natt and John Barrett

On Oct. 13, 2016, AOS&FC Board Member Dr. Karen D. Sullivan of Pinehurst Neuropsychology presented a free informational community seminar entitled “How to Be a Friend: Thoughts on Dementia & Community” at Seven Lakes Chapel in the Pines. AOS&FC was an event sponsor.

Mums for Memory Inaugural Fundraiser Event | SOUTHERN PINES | Oct. 6, 2016
Mums Inaugural

Our first annual Mums for Memory event was held on Oct. 6, 2015 at Rhett’s in downtown Southern Pines.  More than 250 mums were purchased with all proceeds benefiting AOS & Friends Care.

Sandhills Mental Health Fair | PINEHURST | OCT. 1, 2016
Sandhills Mental Health Fair

On Oct. 1, 2016, AOS&FC Board Member Mia Lorenz of Lorenz & Creed Law Firm represented AOS & Friends Care at the Sandhills Mental Health Fair, whose 2016 theme was “Cultivating Hope Through Growth and Recovery,” a mental health parade of providers.

Live Well. Age Well. Health Fair | SEVEN LAKES | APRIL 7, 2016

AOS&FC’s first community event was as one of the sponsors of the Live Well. Age Well. Health Fair held April 7  at Seven Lakes Chapel in the Pines. Open to the public, exhibitors showcased their products and services along with useful tips and resources to enable attendees to age with success.